Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fun opening moment prompt

Today we wrote and shared our 25/25 prompt: 25 things to accomplish by the age of 25 (click to read the description I shared with students). Of course mine was the 25/50 list, so I have 13 years to get a lot done... Here is my list:
1. Have (or adopt) one or two children
2. Live in a ski town in a foreign country for at least a year
3. Have a dining room table that seats at least 10
4. Be able to do the second series of Ashtanga yoga
5. Learn another language (probably Portuguese)
6. Learn more about computer programming
7. Go to an Ashram
8. Become a better skier
9. Get my PhD
10. Eat vegan for a year
11. Not drive for a year
12. Do a month long backpacking trip in the West
13. Visit India
14. Speak at a convention
15. Write a book
16. Publish a book
17. Build a green house (or a green addition to ours, perhaps to accomodate a dining room table that seats 10!)
18. (Still) be in love with my wonderful husband

I am not quite finished with my list...

This was a really great activity to get our class rolling!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I am already thinking of my own list. Also teaching this activity to at risk students will be interesting since most of them don't think at all about their future... I can't wait to see what they come up with.
